Wednesday, February 13, 2008

12 of 12 for FEB

OK so I was looking around on the internet for some cool pictures and came across a cool project. And I just couldnt wait until the 12th of this month so I could join in the fun. Chad Darnell's untitled project. You take 12 pictures of you day on the 12th of every month. Learn more about it :
On my way to good ol work. One of the 5 school zones I go through.

Finally made it to work! This is my little area with all my sticky notes.

This is my at desk drug store. My darth tater is standing guard to make sure I don't get any of the mutant flu germs floating around my office. So far so good!

Gotta love the MP3 Player..Especially at work where no one minds their own business ;0P

Driving through Coppell....and you better damn well believe I'm driving 35. You don't mess around with the speed limit in Coppell. That is the first thing I tell people when they are new to my work. lol and NO I've never gotten a ticket. But i have heard the stories.

Spending lunch hour at the party city with a friend to help her with party ideas for her hubby's 50th!! Can you say over the hill??? lol j/k

It was a windy Texas day!

YAY work is finally over and I'm signing off!

Listening to a little Russ Martin on the drive home.

Made it home just in time to start American Idol.

AH! relaxation time with my new soap.....mmmmmmmmm smells good!

Time for my pill which means it is the end of the day.
well that was fun and i hope to join in again next month.